Experienced Registered, Licenced & Insured Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Volunteers in the Toowoomba, Cabarlah & Highfields Region since 2006. Specialising in Koala Rescue.
We work closely with other experienced & specialist carers, rescuers, wildlife transport volunteers, vets and wildlife hospitals in our network to provide the best treatment, support and outcome for each rescued animal. We do our best to attend all koala rescues but at times we may need to call on assistance of other experienced rescuers or the RSPCA in our region. We are volunteers and are completely self-funded. Toowoomba Koala and Wildlife Rescue specialise in Koala Rescue and Rehabilitation in the Toowoomba, Highfields, Cabarlah, Oakey and greater districts. Koalas are a specialist species prone to a variety of diseases, dog attacks and road trauma and require experienced rescuers and carers to attend call-outs to ensure accurate diagnosis of each case. WE CAN HELP WITH ALL SPECIES - Our team of carers rescue and rehabilitate a large variety of native animals and can also co-ordinate other specialist species rescues with appropriately licenced carers. Species we care for include koalas, bettongs, lizards, macropods, possums, birds, bandicoots and much more. For urgent recues of other species (excluding koalas) please phone 1300 264 625. THE KOALA REHABILITATION SANCTUARY - The privately owned and operated Koala and Wildlife Rehabilitation Sanctuary is not open for public visitation sorry. CONSERVATION - We are passionate about wildlife habitat conservation and encouraging land owners to protect native plants and wildlife on their properties, providing privately protected locations for native flora and fauna. We work closely with Wildlife Land Trust (HSI), Friends for Land for Wildlife, Pittsworth Landcare and Friends of Escarpment Parks on private conservation projects. |
MEMBERSHIPS & AFFILIATESWe are proud to be members and affiliates of these incredible organisations.
If we don't save the habitat for the koala... it's gone, you can't get it back
- Vale Clare Gover, Koala Carer, Friend and Mentor